Do you need some quick tips for organizing
your home?
If you’ve been putting off getting your
home organized for a while now, take this opportunity to get started NOW!
Let your home be the place that you love to
come back to…a place where you can relax, feel comfortable and be proud of!
This article provides easy tips for organizing your home, it shows you how to get started in 4 simple steps and how to keep it that way.
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Is there a particular room or area that is
causing you concern? If there is, let’s get started straight away! Tackle small
sections of the room area, one by one to avoid becoming overwhelmed by the
If there are other areas in your home that also need some attention, follow the same process, but finish one area before moving on to the next.
Try the following tips for organizing your
Before you start organizing a specific area, get rid of unnecessary items. It will make the organizing task simpler, and it will be much easier to keep the area organized.
Start by getting together a few empty boxes and bin bags so that you can sort the items located in the area you wish to organize.
Check through the items in the room area and decide which items you would like to keep and which ones need to be stored or disposed of.
Begin with the obvious rubbish (empty boxes, old magazines, expired products, old coupons, receipts, etc.), these go straight into the bin bags.
For the remaining items, decide which ones you wish to keep and which ones you can get rid of. If you are finding it difficult to decide what to get rid of, try to think of the last time you used the item. If you’ve not used the item in the last year and you can’t see yourself using it in the future, get rid of it!
There may be some items that you want to keep for sentimental reasons but try to keep these to a minimum. Be ruthless if you have to!
Now that you’ve identified which items you’re not going to keep, you
need to decide how to dispose of them. Consider the following options:
Designate a "home" for all of the items you’ve decided to keep and get into the habit of putting them back in the designated place. Try the following tips for organizing your home belongings:
When organizing large spaces such as shelves,
drawers and cupboards, use dividers or containers to separate the areas into
specific zones for similar or specific items.
Take into account your daily routine and natural tendencies, try the following tips for organizing your home space:
Non-permanent items such as mail, bills, gifts, and purchased items that need to be returned should be allocated a place where they can be temporarily stored until they can be addressed.
If you prefer to have these items visible so they are not forgotten, use an open basket or place them on a shelf at the entrance. These items may also be stored in a drawer or a small cupboard if you prefer them not to be visible.
If space is limited, a basement, storage room, or garage may be used to store items that are not used every day. Under bed storage containers are also a good place to store seasonal clothes, shoes, bed linen and blankets, and other household items.
Once we’ve stored items away, we should be able to find them quickly and easily. There is nothing more frustrating than wasting valuable time looking for something that we need to use straight away or buying something again because we’ve forgotten that we already have one.
Try the following tips for organizing your home items to make sure that you can locate them quickly when you need to:
Can you remember where you’ve kept important household documents such as property deeds, insurance policies, tax records, birth certificates, and immunization records?
If you can’t, you’ll need to create an organizational system to ensure that important documents can be easily located when required.
Try the following tips for organizing your
home documents:
An organized
home won't stay organized unless you make a conscious effort to develop habits
to keep it organized:
Try these essential tips for organizing your home and keeping it that way:
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Check out the following articles to help you stay organized and productive: